Thursday, February 21, 2019

The concept of friends can also be adopted from the series "Friends'. It was a season that ran for years and People got to love these characters. They could not get their eyes off this show. The audience could not stop repeating these episodes as it made them feel warm and in content. It was hilarious when played by each character. They could understand about true side of friendship and the concept of 'sharing and caring'. However, there were certain parts about 'Joey' where he does "not like" to share. He does not like to share food as that was his love for food. So you see, each Character had its own flaws of negativity. When I say flaws, it should be seen from a lighter version. Through out the episodes,  they were willing to be there for their best buddies in any crucial period. They loved each other despite their flaws. 

However, These months such bonds are damaged because of lack of understanding. They take each other for granted and mess up everything. They cannot even trust each other. They start becoming sarcastic without knowing how much it could hurt the other. 

Image result for images of friends

Quote and Image of such Friends

Image result for images of friends

Sunday, February 17, 2019

How to figure if we have true friends?

To find a true friend is pretty difficult. However, those who have true friends, they are lucky. Sometimes, they change sides so easily. However, to define True friend, A true friend is the most precious gift given to the the life of person involved in it. A friend is someone who understands, empathizes and appreciates the other one without any exaggeration. A True friend never become greedy to each other instead they want to give something better to each other in life. They want to give that comfort to the person in need. 

A True friend is someone with whom the person is really comfortable with and share their problems, secrets, happiness without them feeling jealous and wants the best for the other person.

A True friend is a gift you give to yourself. True Friends are those people in your life with whom you do not have any blood relation. It’s a relation of love and affection towards other people.

A good friend:
  • is there for you, no matter what.
  • doesn't judge you.
  • doesn't put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings.
  • is kind and respectful to you.
  • is someone whose company you enjoy.
  • is loyal.
  • is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it's hard for you to hear.
  • laughs with you.

What is friendship? 

How did it exist? Who created it? The simple existence of friendship starts with one person finding another person in need of any situations. It can be good or bad. It can be more than two people. 

Friend was a simple concept used by one person when he or she was alone and looked for a companion to talk to in times of trouble or happiness. Someone to share your joy with, who brings a smile on your face when you are alone. And 'ship' was used to sail on that particular boat 'together'. That ship can carry more than two people. 

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